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    Year 3

    Welcome to Year 3! Mrs McFall, Mr Gray and Mrs Davies are the Year 3 teachers with Miss Pettifor, Miss Ana and Miss Russell as supporting staff. We want the children in our year group to be happy individuals with a love for learning. We work hard together as a team of adults and children in a supportive, kind environment. 

    We want our children to love coming into school to learn with us. In Year 3 it is our aim for all children to feel happy, valued and heard. We work hard to ensure all children are included by offering a wide range of teaching approaches and we encourage a team ethos between all children and adults to help us be the best we can be. 

    Our Current topic in Year 3 is 'Set in Stone'. 

    During this history topic, year 3 are learning all about early humans in the Stone Age! We will be going on an exciting trip to Back2Basics and meeting some Stone Age people to find out how they used to live. On our trip the children will learn about how the earliest humans were hunter-gatherers and lived off the land. They will discover how people slept by making their own shelters as well as the tools they used for hunting and cooking. The children will also be learning about some of the animals that walked the earth during this time, some of which are now extinct such as the Woolly Mammoth and Sabre Toothed Tiger. We will be investigating cave drawings and paintings, experimenting with tints, shades and charcoals and creating our own cave paintings. In music the children are going to learn and perform a campfire song. They will gain an understanding of the terms pulse, beat, rhythym and notation. 

    In Maths we will be focusing on place value and numbers within 100. 

    We will also be doing addition and subtraction. 

    Science this term ties into our topic and we will be learning about rocks. The children will lean the three different catergories of rock: metamorphic, sedimenatry and igneous. They will learn how these rocks are formed (rock cycle). We will also find out how fossils are formed. 


    PLEASE NOTE: - We have P. E. on Wednesday. Both indoor and outdoor P.E. kits are needed this term. 

    Homework is given every Friday and should be returned the following Monday. 

    In Year 3 we expect children to read at home every day. Please listen to your child read daily and complete the reading diary. 

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    Pic 4  Pic 5  Pic 6

    Pic 7  Pic 8  

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